February 22, 2023 (Ash Wednesday) to April 8, 2023 (Holy Saturday)
During Lent, many of us are reminded once again to examine our lifestyles and ask, “What can we do for others?” Part of faith formation at any age is compassion and offering a serving heart to our neighbors. These past few years have been challenging when trying to find ways to serve our neighbors while remaining physically distant. This time has also reminded us that we need to demonstrate compassion to others now more than ever. Lent is a good time to commit to giving money to a project that helps those in need. One way to involve the whole family is to collect coins during the season of Lent and then following Easter, Cook’s will be donating the money collected to West Elementary for much needed playground repairs.
You may decide what coins you want to collect, or you may want to simply collect loose change and give whatever coins you have for each item.
Items on the daily guide will remind us of all we have and how little others may have. Each Sunday, pray as a family for the project and the people who will benefit from your gifts. Our giving begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes with Holy Saturday. During Lent, Sundays are for worship and praise to God.
On Ash Wednesday and the following Sunday there will be jars available on the altar along with giving calendars and prayer prompts. Please take one for yourself and another for other family members, neighbors or friends and return them to the altar on Easter morning with your contributions. Jars will also be available in the church office during normal business hours beginning Wednesday, February 22.