Welcome to Cook’s UMC! We’re so glad you found us. Whether in-person or online, we are excited for you to join us and to get to know you. As a matter of fact, we have been praying for you…already! There is a spot saved just for you … to worship God with us, to fellowship and celebrate life with us, to seek our Lord and grow in love for Him with us, to serve others with us.
New people are welcome
The Cook’s church family first gathered on this Wilson County hill to worship God in 1819; that makes us over 200 years old! Let me assure you, however, that we do not look or act our age. Though our building is quaint and there are some among us who have extensive history in this church, others – like you – are new: new to faith in Jesus, new to the Christian Church, or just new to this congregation. And, we are still discovering who (and Whose) we are in Jesus Christ.
Discipleship and companionship
The life of faith is a work in progress every day of our lives. It requires discipline – discipline to stay close to God, discipline to intentionally connect with God and with others authentically, and so much more. In our commitment to companion each other along this faith journey, the Cook’s family has discovered that we need each other desperately. When one of us is having a difficult day or season, there’s another who is stronger and can build that friend up; when one of is has questions or feels challenged by the disciple’s journey, there’s another who’s been around that corner in life and can offer all kinds of encouragement.
There’s a place here for you
As a matter of fact, we believe that God has intended from the beginning that we live in community for these very reasons. Every day is an opportunity to grow in the way we love, in the way we show mercy, in the way we live graciously-as individuals and as a family. There is a place here for you. And, we will be a more loving, more merciful, more gracious Body with your help!
We hope to meet you soon.