Who We Are
Nestled in beautiful Wilson County, Cook’s is a part of the Cumberland River District of the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference of The United Methodist Church.
Our Values
We value our vital worship and rich tradition at Cook’s UMC and strive through selfless mission, genuine care, and growth in discipleship, to engage, connect and equip our congregation.
Our Mission
God continues to work through this congregation to love and serve others, and we are confident that God will continue to use us as we strive to live out our purpose:
To make followers of Jesus Christ who love and serve others.
Vital Worship
Vital Worship is the hinge pin of congregational life, the few moments when we are all together in one place for one purpose – to honor and glorify God. We seek to make all parts of worship – music, prayers, silences, teaching, the celebration of sacraments and of other holy moments – a true reflection of our love for God and inspiration for each person who comes to worship with us, in-person or online.
Our Sunday morning service originated in our sanctuary which was built in the late 1800’s, and is led by our wonderful choir accompanied by organ and piano. Communion is celebrated in this service on 1st Sunday of each month.
Selfless Mission – Missions and Outreach →
Selfless Mission is “other-driven” attention displayed toward our neighbors. Being “on mission” for and with God is to have no ulterior motive in our outreach other than the serving of neighbors and the honoring of God. Being on mission for/with God will always require that we set our own preferences and ideals aside as we reach out to others.
Genuine Care – The Staff at Cook’s UMC →
Genuine Care is other-driven attention displayed in the church body. We notice others, we seek to companion each other in the difficulties and the celebrations of life. To genuinely care is to help each other carry our burdens and to help each other celebrate, too.
Growth in Discipleship – Ministries →
Growth in Discipleship is a lifelong process. A disciple is a dedicated, constant learner. And, much like an apprentice learns by watching and doing just as her/his master has done, a disciple of Jesus does the same. There is always more to learn about living the way of Christ, so constant growth is our challenge.