Who are you?
Chances are you answered that question with your name, or with the name of an important relationship such as spouse or parent. You may have even answered with the name of a responsibility that rests with you or work to which you give yourself – accountant, instructor, manager, gardener, cook, dreamer … We identify ourselves in all sorts of ways, referencing who we share life with, the circumstances of our life (past or present), our capacities, our responsibilities, our dreams.
Who are we as United Methodist Christians?
Ever ask that same question of this church family, “Who are we?” Our responses, for the most part, will be formed the same way as our answers about ourselves as individuals; you would probably answer by naming our work, our responsibilities within and beyond the church building, our hopes, and, most probably, our relationship to and with God.
Who are we as United Methodist Christians? What do we hold in common with any others who consider themselves Wesleyan in the way they follow Jesus, if anything at all?
A new small group opportunity
You are encouraged to experience a new small group opportunity during which we will get to know one another better (and ourselves, too) by considering foundational questions about our identity, even the identity of God. First, a bit about the study; then, the ways you can be a part… “Who Are We? A Journey From Head to Heart” is a small group experience developed by the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church.
This group journey is designed to help us tackle these refined questions: One, who are we as the people of God? And two, who are we as the people of God called Methodists? Digging into that first question, we will look to the Bible, to Church history, and to our own experiences to consider:
- the nature of God (do you think of God as an aloof power, a loving Parent, etc.?)
- the relationship we can have with God
- our own experiences with deliverance, wilderness, and the Promise of God
- knowing God by many names (do you/can you know God as Rock, Mother Hen, Counselor, etc.?)
- vision and prophecy today (how are the voices of ancient prophets relevant for us today?)
- moving toward wholeness/liberation (how might the Israelites’ sojourn informs ours?)
How to participate in “Who Are We?”
Now, how can you be a part of this exciting experience? There are several ways:
- You can let the Church Office know when your small group would like to start (and how many copies of the material you’ll need); we are glad to print the “Who Are We?” materials for your already existing small group. (The Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference has graciously made these available at no cost beyond the cost of reproduction.)
- You can join the Faith Searchers Sunday School Class for an experience of “Who Are We?” They are set to begin on Sunday, July 31 at 10:45 a.m. (Let them know you’re coming, and they’ll save you a seat and have materials for you.)
- You can join us on Sunday evenings at 6:15 p.m. beginning on Sunday, July 31 for a pot-luck supper and small group experience. If you are not a part of a small group or Sunday School class, this would be a great chance to meet others in the same “boat!”
- You can rally a few of your friends or let’s-be-friends and set your own time/place to gather and lead yourselves in this experience. It really is that easy!
Just let us know when you’ll start and how many sets of the materials you’ll need. Change, transition, and transformation are always a part of our journeying as those who follow Jesus. As we grow in Christ, we submit more and more of ourselves to him and find more and more of his grace, his mercy, his Life revealed in us. This experience of asking and answering questions together to clarify who we are as children of God will be a rich time of unifying this Body of Christ known as Cook’s United Methodist Church.
We sincerely hope and pray that you’ll join us as we grow!
Sandra +